Nur Azrin Mohammed Mohayaddin, Adnan Jusoh



Artikel ini memfokuskan mengenai penguatkuasaan Dasar Monopoli Kerajaan oleh British terhadap perdagangan candu di Selangor dari tahun 1911 hingga 1941. Objektif artikel ini adalah untuk membincangkan senario perdagangan candu di Selangor setelah British melaksanakan Dasar Monopoli Kerajaan bagi menggantikan Sistem Pajakan Hasil yang selama ini diamalkan. Di samping itu, penulisan ini juga turut membincangkan kesan Dasar Monopoli Kerajaan yang dikuatkuasakan oleh British dalam perdagangan candu terhadap sektor ekonomi negeri Selangor sepanjang tempoh tersebut. Kaedah kualitatif digunakan untuk menghasilkan artikel ini dengan menganalisis sumber primer seperti fail-fail kerajaan dan dokumen. Manakala sumber sekunder pula adalah dengan merujuk buku, artikel dan laman sesawang. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat banyak pembaharuan yang dilakukan oleh British namun kesemuanya mengambil kira kepentingan pihak mereka sahaja tanpa mengira kesannya terhadap masyarakat tempatan. Menerusi dasar ini, pihak British mengawal keseluruhan proses perdagangan candu termasuklah proses import hingga kepada pemberian lesen jualan kepada peniaga. Selain itu, mereka turut mampu mengawal kegiatan candu yang sebelum ini dimonopoli oleh kaum Cina. Bukan itu sahaja, pihak British turut berjaya memperoleh pendapatan yang tinggi kesan daripada dasar yang diperkenalkan yang tidak pernah mereka peroleh sebelum ini. Namun British akhirnya akur, kemelesetan ekonomi dunia dan penurunan terhadap permintaan bijih timah turut menyebabkan permintaan candu juga mengalami penurunan yang mendadak dan akhirnya dikeluarkan daripada bajet Negeri-Negeri Melayu Bersekutu. Keadaan ini berterusan sehinggalah tahun 1943 sebelum British memutuskan pengharaman candu secara total. 

Kata kunci: Selangor, Pentadbiran British, Dasar Monopoli Kerajaan, Sistem Pajakan Hasil Candu, Candu



This article focuses on the enforcement of the Government's Monopoly Policy by the British against the opium trade in Selangor from 1911 to 1941. The objective of this article is to discuss the scenario of the opium trade in Selangor after British implemented the Government's Monopoly Policy to replace the Revenue Lease System that had been practiced. In addition, this writing also discusses the effects of the Government Monopoly Policy enforced by British in the opium trade on the economic sector of the state of Selangor throughout the period. Qualitative methods were used to produce this article by analyzing primary sources such as government files and documents. While secondary sources are by referring to books, articles and websites. The results of the study found that there were many reforms carried out by the British, but all of them took into account the interests of their side only, regardless of the impact on the local community. Through this policy, British controlled the entire opium trade process including the import process up to the granting of sales licenses to dealers. In addition, they are also able to control opium activities which were previously monopolized by the Chinese. Not only that, British also managed to obtain a high income as a result of the policy introduced which they had never obtained before. But British finally agreed, the global economic recession and the decline in demand for tin also caused the demand for opium to also experience a sharp decline and was finally removed from the budget of the Federated Malay States. This situation continued until 1943 before they decided to ban opium altogether. 

Keywords: Selangor, British Administration, Government Monopoly Policy, Opium Revenue Leasing System, Opium

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